We have our roots in mountaineering, so you know we mean it when we say we set our standards high. We have long been committed to sourcing products responsibly from manufacturers that respect the rights of the people who make our products.
We require that our suppliers meet our business standards. Download Policy.
We also regularly visit and audit all of our factories to ensure that our values and policies align. We will not place any orders with factories which have not been evaluated. Factories are audited against an extended version of the globally recognised Ethical Trading Initiative’s (ETI) Base Code which specifies that:
• All workers are paid a living wage
• Working hours are not excessive
• Working conditions are safe and hygienic
• Child labour is not used
• Employment is freely chosen
• Workers do not suffer discrimination
• There is no harsh or inhumane treatment
• Workers have the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
• Regular employment is provided
• There is no unauthorised subcontracting
We develop and actively manage action plans with factories where areas are identified as having room for improvement. All of our factory assessment data is stored and managed through the Fair Factories Clearinghouse (FFC) allowing us to efficiently manage the program across all of our factories and giving us instant access to up-to-date factory status reports.
If you'd like to know more, you can view our tier 1 and 2 supplier lists in the link below

Ethical Trading Initiative and Better Work
We are a full member of the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI), a leading worldwide alliance of companies, trade unions and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that promotes workers’ rights everywhere.
As well as promoting its Base Code standards across our business, as an ‘Advanced’ member we invite the ETI to assess and advise on our long-term ethical trade strategy, reporting on our performance every year. We are also a part of Better Work, an organisation that raises standards and improves opportunities for garment workers all over the world. We support our factories in joining Better Work’s programmes, which improve working conditions and rights, provide access to skills training, protect disadvantaged female workers and create new jobs.
We are a full member of the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI), a leading worldwide alliance of companies, trade unions and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that promotes workers’ rights everywhere.
As well as promoting its Base Code standards across our business, as an ‘Advanced’ member we invite the ETI to assess and advise on our long-term ethical trade strategy, reporting on our performance every year. We are also a part of Better Work, an organisation that raises standards and improves opportunities for garment workers all over the world. We support our factories in joining Better Work’s programmes, which improve working conditions and rights, provide access to skills training, protect disadvantaged female workers and create new jobs.
UN Global Compact
In 2001 we signed up to the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, a challenge to companies to align their businesses with 10 universally accepted principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
The UN’s ambition for this project is to establish a sustainable and inclusive global economy where companies work together to bring people, communities and markets lasting benefits. More than 12,000 companies and individuals from 170 countries have so far signed up to the compact.