
The Last Supper Before Attempting the Climb

Team enjoys meal in a tent

Hungry mountaineers awaiting last supper.

The content is up to the cook but the porters will have carried up large quantities of potatoes, rice, flour, eggs, fresh vegetables and a large range of spices. We may even have one or two live chickens for fresh meat. All will be cooked on a two ring paraffin or gas stove. For Sersank we expect something along the following lines:

Lentil soup with japati and curious inflated pink crisps (They feature regularly but I have never quite worked out what they are.)
Soup ingredients: Lentils, onions, chillies, water, salt, peppercorns, lemon juice.

Main Course
Rice or potatoes
Vegetable curry. Ingredients to include a selection of cauliflower, kumara, carrot, canned tomatoes, garlic, ginger, curry powder, turmeric, stock, salt, beans, garam masala and tamarind – and maybe more!
Nan bread.

Cake. It’s impossible to say what might be in the cake but it’s amazing what can be made with a manky two ring stove and a tin ‘oven.’

Tea, tea, tea, tea ……
Biscuits, biscuits, biscuits …..
Scones with chocolate.

I have included a few ‘last supper’ pics below.

Afters. Tea, tea, tea…. Biscuits biscuits, biscuits…

Cook and base camp kitchen.

Scones with chocolate.




Writer and expert