
Greenland Snowkite: Day 1

Date: 06/05

Day: 1

Location: N67 27.952 W 047 38.289

Distance (day/total): 43/43 miles

Weather: Overcast then sunny

Wind: 5-12 mph

Temp: -13c

Travelled NE for about 5 hours. Good to finally get going. Much relief about all the new Ozone kites, that had never been flown before, they were sweet. Bad weather forecast for Sunday, so a decision was made to head directly NE and miss DYE 2. 40+ knots forecast so we wanted to try and outrun storm. Early start tomorrow to get more mileage in.

First camp on the ice cap

Find out what happened on Day 2 of Greenland Snowkite or track the progress of Leo Houlding’s month-long 1000 mile snowkiting expedition across Greenland’s ice cap with 10 minute updates on the adventurers location.



Writer and expert